1. Search for Businesses

1. Click the Businesses icon under Find on the interactive search menu at the top-left corner of the map section.

  • Enter a business name, street address, # of employees, annual revenue, years in business and NAICS code.

2. To do an advanced search click the More Filters button at the bottom left corner of the interactive search menu.

  • Filter By: Search for a specific city by entering the city name or choosing from the drop down menu of cities. Or select a custom area with the polygon or radius tools.
  • Choose business categories and more specific business sub-categories by clicking the arrows to expand.

Enter information that accurately describes a specific business or business type. Fill out the entire menu to get the most relevant results.

3. If you have entered search information and decide that you want to clear the menu and start over, click Reset/Minimize under the Search button on the bottom right corner of the menu.

4. Once you have completed the menu, click Search and review the existing businesses based on search details given.

5. If you are not satisfied with the results, hover over the Based On link, view current search criteria and click Refine Search to make changes. You can also select the Businesses icon on the search menu and start over.

Business Results

1. Hover your mouse over the arrows at the top of the individual business results to Save to Folder and Zoom to Business.

2. While hovering over an individual business result, the corresponding icon will be highlighted on the map.

3. On the top left of the results section there are 2 link options: Print and Advanced.

4. Hover your mouse over these 2 link options to access the following functions:

  • Print: Print results.
  • Advanced: Click Change Orientation to view the results horizontally. You can also use the advanced function to view and save all results.

5. These link options are also available at the bottom left of the results section.

Note: If the results exceed the width of the page use the arrow at the right and left of the results to navigate.

Note: Individual businesses do not have any reports to view.

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2. Community Demographics

1. Click the Communities icon under Find on the interactive search menu at the top-left corner of the map section.

  • City or County: Choose either city or county to begin. Then enter the city/county name or choose from the drop down menu.

2. To do an advanced search click the More Filters button at the bottom left corner of the interactive search menu.

  • Filter By: Enter all information that accurately describes your desired community profile. Fill out the entire menu to get the most relevant results. Sub-categories with forms include: People, Labor Force, Transportation and Budgets.

3. Click Search and review the available community results based on search details given.

4. If you are not satisfied with the results, hover over the Based On link, view current search criteria and click Refine Search to make changes. You can also select the Communities icon on the search menu and start over.

Community Results

1. Hover your mouse over the downward pointing arrows at the top of the individual community results to Save to Folder, View Reports and Zoom to Property.

2. While hovering over an individual community result, the corresponding icon will be highlighted on the map.

3. On the top left of the results section there are 5 link options: Print, Sort by, Export, Find in Communities and Advanced.

4. Hover your mouse over these 5 link options to access the following functions:

  • Print: Print any results.
  • Sort by: Sort by community name, population, job growth, travel time, labor forc>e size, bachelors degrees and median income.
  • Export: Export results to several publishing software programs including Microsoft Word & Excel, email and PDF.
  • Find in Communities: Display and search for buildings, sites and businesses in these communities.
  • Advanced: Click Change Orientation to view the property cards horizontally. You can also use the advanced function to view and save all results.

5. These link options are also available at the bottom left of the results section.

Note: if the results exceed the width of the page use the arrow at the right and left of the results to navigate.

Community Reports

1. When looking at search results, hover your mouse over the downward pointing arrows of any individual community to View Reports.

2. Click View Reports and you will be directed to an in-depth community report.

3. There are 3 other reports available that describe the surrounding area of the property including: Labor Force, Demographics, and Consumer Spending.

4. Access these reports by clicking on the light gray tabs with matching titles to right of the white property report tab.

5. These 3 reports can be modified by drive time (minutes) or radius by clicking on the Modify Report link on the top right of the reports section.

6. For all reports you can Share, Save, Print, Export and Find in Community (display and search for properties in community). (As listed in link options in the top left of the report section)

7. Click the Back to Search Results link at the top right of the report section to go back to your original results.

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3. Share, Save, Print and Export Reports


1. Property reports and all other reports can be shared by hovering over the Share link at the top left of the report section.

2. Share reports using a link, email and numerous social media outlets. The share function is also available at the very bottom right corner of the report section.


1. Hover over the Save link at the top left of the report section.

2. A semi-transparent menu will appear with options to save any or all of the reports.

3. Your saved report will appear in the My Folder button at the bottom left corner of the map.

4. This is where you will access all saved properties, reports, communities and businesses.

Note: You can save Buildings, Sites, Communities and Businesses in the initial search results by hovering over the downward pointing arrows and clicking the Save to Folder link. The individual result will display a red “saved” ribbon.


1. Click the Print link while on the report you would like to print.


1. Hover over the Export link and choose between a PDF, Word Document or Excel Document.

2. Enter the title you want and click Export.

Note: Find QR Codes on property reports by scrolling down, they are located on the bottom left portion of the screen. Users who see this report via email or social media will be able to read the code with their smart phone and it will direct them straight to the homepage of the site.

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4. Accessing Saved Reports

1. All saved Sites, Buildings, Reports, Communities and Businesses will be stored here.

2. To access the saved items simply click one of the categories depending on what you saved. There will be a number next to each link telling you how many items were saved.

3. Once you have selected a saved item, click the Back to Search Results link at the top right of the saved results section.

4. To empty your folder, right click on the My Folder button and a message will pop up asking you if you are sure you want to reset, click yes.

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5. Map Features


1. Zoom Gauge: On right side of map. Use this to zoom in and out on areas of the map.

2. Map v Satellite: To view the generic map leave as is. To see terrain, hover over the Map button at the top right and click the Terrain box. To see satellite view, click the Satellite button at the top right of the map. Select the degree and whether or not you would like to see labels such as names of locations and roads.

3. Street View: Click and drag the small person icon at the top left of the map to any location where you would like to see a street view.

Drag Zoom

1. Click Drag Zoom underneath Area Selection (Radius) on the Tools Menu.

2. A note will appear “In order to use drag zoom, just hold down the shift key while clicking and dragging”.

3. Make sure your cursor is hovered over the map and then press shift and drag the dotted line box until it is the size of the area you want to zoom in on.

5. Release the mouse to zoom in or release the shift button to start over.

4. You will know that the map has registered you pressing the shift button because it will darken significantly.

5. Use the zoom in and zoom out gauge on the left to adjust the zoom.


1. Click Print underneath Drag Zoom on the Tools Menu.

2. Print out any view of the map.

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6. Heat Map / Overlays

1. Hover your mouse pointer on Overlays on the bottom right corner of the map section next to the My Folder button.

2. A semi-transparent menu will appear with 3 sections: Points of Interest, Map Layers and Demographics.

3. To visualize or remove any of these overlays click the title or small white box next to the title.

4. Once you have selected one or more overlays, the Legend will appear to the left of Tools in the bottom right hand corner of the map section. Refer to the Legend to understand the meaning of the layers (various colors and icons) as they appear on the map.

Note: You cannot select more than one demographics layer at a time.

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7. Demographics and Business Reports for Any Location

By Clicking on the Map

1. Click Pinpoint at the top of the Tools Menu.

2. Your cursor will now appear as a target with which you can select a specific location on the map.

3. Click on the location you are interested in learning more about.

4. A white comment box titled Point Identification Tool will appear with information such as Longitude, Latitude, Address and a list of reports for the selected location.

5. To remove the selected location and remain in the Pinpoint Tool, click the X at the top right hand corner of the white comment box or the Delete this pinpoint link within the white comment box.

6. The white comment box will disappear and the target cursor will reappear allowing you to select, or pinpoint, another location on the map.

7. To exit the pinpoint tool click the red Cancel Pinpoint Tool button at the top of the map.

Find by Location

1. Click Find by Location underneath Pinpoint in the Tools Menu.

2. Enter address, city, state or zip code to find information on a specific location and click Find.

3. To move this Find by Location menu click the directional arrows at the top left and to close the menu click the Close button at the top right.

4. A white comment box titled Point Identification Tool will appear with information such as Longitude, Latitude, Address and a list of reports for the selected location.

5. To remove the selected location click the X at the top right hand corner of the white comment box or the Delete this pinpoint link within the white comment box.

Note: The same information can be found using the Pinpoint and Find by Location Tools. The first being for those who don’t know anything about the location they are seeing on the map and the latter for those who have a location in mind but cannot see it on the map.

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8. Measuring

1. Click Measure underneath Find by Location in the Tools Menu.

2. Your cursor will now appear as a target with which you can select a specific location on the map.

3. Click anywhere on the map to set the first pin (aka marker).

4. Once the first pin is set, drag the cursor the distance you want to measure and click to set the second pin.

5. The mileage will be displayed at both pins of the distance span you are measuring.

6. To adjust the distance click one of the pins and drag the cursor to the new, adjusted location.

7. To add another ruler click A on your keyboard and repeat the process.

8. To exit the measure tool click the red Cancel Measure Tool button at the top of the map.

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9. Selecting Properties in a Specific Area

Area Selection (Polygon)

1. Click Area Selection (Polygon) underneath Measure in the Tools Menu.

2. Click anywhere on the map to begin drawing a polygon shape area.

3. Continue clicking until you have drawn your desired polygon shape area.

4. To make adjustments click the markers and drag to a new location.

5. When you are done drawing the polygon click on the polygon and a white comment box will appear containing the total square mileage of the polygon area as well as links to Apply search filters, Stop using the tool and Reset the polygon.

6. To exit the measure tool click the red Cancel Area Selection Tool button at the top of the map.

Area Selection (Radius)

1. Click Area Selection (Radius) underneath Area Selection (Polygon) in the Tools Menu.

2. Click anywhere on the map to begin drawing a radius of an area.

3. Once the first pin is set, drag the cursor the distance of the radius you want and click to set the second pin.

4. When you set the second pin of the radius, a blue circle of the total area will appear.

5. Within this blue circle will be a white comment box containing the total square mileage of the area as well as links to apply search filters, stop using the tool and reset the polygon.

6. To exit the measure tool click the red Cancel Area Selection Tool button at the top of the map.

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10. How to Modify a Business Report / Business Clusters

Business Report

1. The business report has advanced functions.

2. Once you are in a business report, click on a Business Type to see Sub-Industries.

3. Then, click on a Sub-Industry to see a Business Name.

4. Last, click on the Business Name to zoom to the business on the map.

5. The business report also includes the ability to filter by advanced criteria.

6. Click the Modify Report link on the right hand side of the screen and a semi-transparent menu will appear.

7. Within this menu you can enter radius (miles), business name, address, # of employees, annual revenue, years in business and NAICS Codes. You can also choose specific business categories.

8. Click Generate to see the filtered business report.

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